Rats & Mice Can Be a Big Problem

Aside from being a nuisance, mice and rats can pose a serious health risk in your home or business. They carry a wide variety of diseases and can cause damage to our food and structures with their gnawing habits.

Are rats & mice dangerous?

Rat and mice infestations should not be left to multiply in your home or business since they can carry several diseases and parasites that can transmit to people or our pets.  Rats & mice can carry diseases such as Hantavirus, Meningitis, toxoplasmosis, and parasites such as fleas and ticks.  Their teeth continue to grow throughout their life which makes them gnaw constantly to keep their incisors worn down and sharp.  Rats & mice can cause major damage to our homes and commercial buildings.

Characteristics of mice

Mice are the most common pest encountered in Southern Ontario. House mice and deer mice live everywhere outside and invade our structures for food and shelter.  Mice are opportunistic omnivores that eat insects, fruit, nuts, seeds and virtually everything that is eaten by humans.  House mice produce 40 – 100 droppings a day and spoil many more food product than they eat.  Their teeth continue to grow throughout their lives which cause them to chew constantly to keep their teeth worn down and sharp.

Why do I have mice?

Mice like to live in and around our structures due to the abundance of food, water, and harbourage.  They search out shelter inside as their numbers climb around the exterior of our homes and businesses.  A fully grown mouse can squeeze through a 6 to 7mm hole to gain entrance into our structures.

Characteristics of rats

Norway Rats can have litters ranging from 3 – 21 young with up to 12 litters per year.  This can lead to an explosive increase in their population over a short period of time.  A rat’s teeth continue to grow throughout their lifespan. Their constant gnawing keeps their teeth sharp for chewing their way into your home.  Rats live in communities with a strict social structure. If you have one living in your home, then expect that many more are living in the vicinity.

Why do I have rats?

Rats like to live in and around our structures due to the abundance of food, water, and harbourage.  They live in large colonies that spread out when they become too large for their immediate area to sustain them.  Rats more aggressively invade our homes as temperatures drop outside in the fall.  A fully grown rat can squeeze through a 20mm hole to gain entrance into our structures. 

How can I prevent rats & mice from entering my home?

Rats & mice are great climbers. Think 3 dimensionally when assessing your home for rodent entry points.  Both rats & mice can squeeze through small holes to gain entry into our structures.

  • Reduce clutter around the outside of your premises. Clutter provides harborage for families of mice and rats.
  • Discourage rodents from living close to your home by trimming back foliage from your structure. Clean up the bottom of shrubs for a clear view of the stems.
  • Control the number of food sources available outside your home such as spilled garbage, birdseed, and compost bins.
  • Seal off potential entry points such as garage door seals, small openings in building foundation and points where utility lines enter the house.

How Progressive Pest Control Can Help

Call us to remove rats & mice from your home or business. Our professional staff will work quickly to remediate your infestation and set up a program to prevent future infestations. Ask us about our rodent proofing service to reduce the chance of a reinfestation.


Aside from being a nuisance, mice and rats can pose a serious health risk in your home or business. They carry a wide variety of diseases and can cause damage to our food and structures with their gnawing habits.