Cockroaches are one of the world’s most tenacious creatures.

After decades of dwindling numbers due to the advancement in professional pest control products, they have rebounded with a vengeance! These persistent critters are becoming resistant to commonly used pesticides and are now building up their populations once again. They continue to persevere due to several survival strategies that have evolved over their 300-million-year existence.
There are many species of cockroaches. The most common infester in Canada is the German cockroach.

Characteristics of German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is brown with two black horizontal stripes on the shield-like structure partially covering the insects head and thorax.  They are 11 mm to 16 mm in size (adults are 1/2 to 5/8 inches long). Adults are winged although they cannot fly.  After mating, females can produce an egg sac every six weeks containing 30 – 48 eggs.

Cockroaches prefer warm, moist environments and like to hide in kitchens, washrooms, and laundry rooms although they can also be detected in all areas of a residence.

What are the signs of a cockroach infestation?

  • Cockroach droppings are dark brown or black and cylindrical-shaped (I – 2 mm long).
  • Cockroaches shed their skin several times as they mature. The shed skins are usually found close to their hiding-places.
  • Oily, musky smell emitted from cockroaches as an aggregation, sex, or danger pheromone.
  • Discarded egg sacs (ootheca)

Do cockroaches carry disease?

German cockroaches carry disease-causing organisms on their legs and bodies and can deposit them throughout your home, in your food, on your dishes and utensils. Cockroaches shed their skin as they grow.  Their cast skins and excrement can cause allergic reactions and aggravate symptoms of asthma.

How Progressive Pest Control Can Help

Cockroach treatments can be complicated due to the insects ability to tolerate commonly used pesticides. At Progressive Pest Control, our knowledgeable technicians will assess your infestation and customize a treatment plan that suits your needs. If the problem persists, then we will return to your location at no additional cost to you.