Safe Removal of Bees & Wasps

Yellow Jacket Wasps

  • With three species of Yellow Jackets in Southern Ontario the workers are typically 12mm long with alternating black and yellow bands on the abdomen.
  • A social insect that can become very aggressive when their nest is disturbed since they have a protect the hive mentality.
  • Nests are built with plant fiber that they chew into a paper like substance and hang from trees, shrubs, man-made structures and abandoned wildlife burrows. Nests can also be located deep in your walls entering through the smallest of cracks in your exterior structure.  

Bald-Faced Hornets

  • Bald-faced hornets are a notable species of Yellow Jacket due to their large size and very painful sting.
  • A social insect that can become very aggressive when their nest is disturbed since they have a protect the hive mentality
  • Nests are built with plant fiber that they chew into a paper like substance and hang from trees, shrubs and man-made structures. Bald-faced hornets rarely set up nests in abandoned wildlife burrows and wall voids as they prefer exposed high hung nests.

Carpenter Bees

  • Their name derives from their behaviour of burrowing into our structures to make their homes.
  • They are large robust bees that are mainly black with some yellow markings and are commonly confused with Bumble Bees
  • Humans commonly encounter Carpenter Bees as they burrow large holes into our structures to make their homes.
  • These semi-solitary bees are not very aggressive but have become of economic importance as they damage our homes and can build up quite a large colony

Are you unable to enjoy the outdoors becasue of bees & wasps? We have the solution for you whether it’s a yellow-jacket, wasp nest in the wall, a bald-faced hornet nest in a tree or a carpenter bee nest in your structure. Domestic consumer pesticides won’t work effectively with every type of bee & wasp nest and can also make the problem worse in some cases. Not to mention, the risks of approaching a large, angry nest. Don’t take the chance! Call us, we can help.
There are over 18,000 species of bees & wasps in North America and unfortunately, one of those species has decided to build a nest in your neighbourhood.